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e-Think Sport : digital transformation with FC Nantes, and on 26/01/2021

News Tank Football - Paris - Actualité n°206016 - Publié le 22/01/2021 à 13:29 -
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©  NTF
e-Think Sport : The reaction of clubs during national lockdowns to accelerate digital transformation - ©  NTF

• Building fan loyalty via WhatsApp without using a paid solution.
• Enriching match monitoring with connected glasses.
• Applying blockchain to fan engagement.
• Setting up live shows via Twitch Activité : plateforme de streaming spécialisée dans le jeu vidéo Création : 06/06/2011, sous le nom de Actionnariat : filiale d’Amazon depuis août 2014, étant racheté pour… .
These are some of the themes that will be addressed during the round table entitled "The reaction of clubs during national lockdowns to accelerate digital transformation" on Tuesday 26/01/2021, from 11:25 to 12:25 CET.

Baptiste Huriez, marketing director at FC Nantes Activité : club de football professionnel français Partenaires principaux : • Synergie (ressources humaines) : sponsor maillot principal, 2013-2026 • Macron (équipementier) … (Ligue 1 Uber Eats Name of the French Ligue 1 championship for the 2020-2024 cycle.

Uber Eats, a home meal delivery application and subsidiary of Uber an independent driver mobile application, has become the title…
), Emmanuelle Roger, co-founder of (a company specialised in augmented reality) and Alexandre Dreyfus, CEO of (blockchain platform), will speak during the first morning of e-Think Sport 2021 that is devoted to clubs.

e-Think Sport 2021 is the fifth edition of the annual event, which is held on one day in person, by News Tank Football. This year it is scheduled to take place via videoconference, over four consecutive mornings, from Tuesday 26 to Friday 29/01/2021.

The round table on the digital transformation of clubs will be moderated by Martin Jaglin Digital Growth Director @ LFP MEDIA • Vice-Président @ Mobile Marketing Association France • Co-fondateur @ Mon Petit Gazon (MPG)
, founder of French SporTech and co-founder of Mon Petit Gazon Activité : société éditrice de fantasy leagues de football Création : 2011 Siège social : Paris (FRA) Co-fondateurs : Martin Jaglin, Benjamin Fouquet, Gregory Rota Chiffre d’affaires (au… (fantasy football app).

To register for the session for free, click here 

To find the complete programme of the e-Think Sport 2021 click here 

e-think Sport 2021 - ©  D.R.

Emmanuelle Roger

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Alexandre Dreyfus

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Baptiste Huriez

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Martin Jaglin

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