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Think Football 2018 : follow live on YouTube, this Thursday 01/02/2018, from 09 :00 to 18 :00 CET

News Tank Football - Paris - Actualité n°111998 - Publié le 01/02/2018 à 09:20 -
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©  D.R.
©  D.R.

Follow Think Football 2018 live on YouTube! Think Football, the event that brings together French and European decision-makers in football as well as sports professionals organised by News Tank Football, will begin at the University Paris-Dauphine, this Thursday 01/02/2018, at 09:00.

A large part of the conferences and debates are available live on YouTube (see details and links below). This second edition of Think Football, whose first speakers will be Laura Flessel, Minister of Sports, and Fatma Samoura, FIFA Fédération Internationale de Football Association Secretary General, is also on social networks with the hashtag #thinkfoot18.

Edgar Faure Amphitheatre programme

  • Fatma Samoura - ©  FIFA
    The opening of the day by Dominique Courdier (News Tank Football), Laura Flessel, French Minister of Sports , Fatma Samoura, FIFA Secretary General and Gérard Houllier, Think Football Ambassador, at 09:00.
  • The keynotes of Didier Quillot, Thomas Kouck and Sébastien Roumier, 09:30.
  • The debate "Artificial Intelligence: Will Tomorrow's Coach be a Computer?" Conference UNFPat 11:15.
  • The conference "Stadiums/Arenas: Attracting New Audiences", at 15:00.
  • The grand final debate ""Super Clubs": Innovative Strategies for Commercial Growth", at 16:00.

Click here  to follow the talks at the Edgar Faure Amphitheatre

Raymond Aron room programme

  • The workshop "Mobile Applications: Constraints and Opportunities for Clubs", at 10:00.
  • The debate "2018 World Cup: Security, Broadcasting, Innovations" at 11:15.
  • The expert room "Reinvigorating the Stadium Experience for Fans" at 14:00.

Click here  to follow talks from the Raymond Aron room

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