France : Kylian Mbappé's injury, public stance, transfer… the French captain is often in the news

News Tank Football - Paris - Sélection n°328934 - Publié le 19/06/2024 à 10:00
©  TF1
Kylian Mbappé suffers a broken nose in the 85th minute of Austria-France in Düsseldorf, 17/06/2024 - ©  TF1

The first question put to Philippe Diallo, president of the FFF, at the press briefing held in Paderborn (GER) the day after Austria - France (0-1), which marked Les Bleus' start at Euro 2024, concerned Kylian Mbappé…

©  TF1
Kylian Mbappé suffers a broken nose in the 85th minute of Austria-France in Düsseldorf, 17/06/2024 - ©  TF1

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