Think Football 2019 : Women’s World Cup France (07/06 - 07/07/2019) at the heart of the discussion

News Tank Football - Paris - Sélection n°137749 - Publié le 16/01/2019 à 18:20
©  D.R.
B. Henriques (FFF), left, and F. Samoura (FIFA) will participate in Think Football 2019 - ©  D.R.

The 2019 Women's World Cup, which FIFA has organized in nine cities in France from 07/06 to 07/07/2019, will be at the heart of the discussion, during the third edition of Think Football, an event organised by News…

©  D.R.
B. Henriques (FFF), left, and F. Samoura (FIFA) will participate in Think Football 2019 - ©  D.R.

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